This personal statement was used by a current medical student to apply to medical school at: the University of Birmingham, the University of Keele, University of Exeter, and the University of Cardiff. The application cycle was 2017 entry. The applicant received interviews and then offers from all 4 medical schools!
Remember, this personal statement is not 'perfect' - none ever will be! Each medical school is looking for something different. Be careful not to plagiarise personal statements you read online - UCAS will detect this.

The GMC have stated key qualities that all doctors must have; a few are teamwork, being supportive and effective communication. Through my caring experiences I believe I can develop into such doctor and I feel driven to do this. I work as a medical assessor once a month aiding people in the night time economy with a charity called 'Vennture'. It is my responsibility to help care for people on the streets of Hereford. An individual's health when inebriated is volatile so it is often a highly stressful job and has taught me how to deal with the pressure whilst keeping a calm thinking ability. One challenging experience was having to console an intoxicated man who had just been faced with a bereavement. I felt emotional whilst listening but I knew I had to control myself and handle the situation with compassion. One thing I learnt from this was how much a difference it makes to simply listen. As part of my research into medicine I organised a placement in a hospice, to gain a realistic idea about the emotional strains a doctor has to face. I spoke to a nurse about how she copes with her own emotions when working with terminally ill patients. Her reply was that there is no trick; she does get emotionally attached to patients and when they die she spends some reflective time at home to grieve. From this conversation I was able to really understand the emotional dedication that is needed in medicine. I have learnt that doctors are always part of a multi disciplinary team and that a balance must be established between friendly interactions - to assure successful communications - and a clear understanding of roles and duties so that the team works effectively. I have been the captain of my netball team at sixth form, a member of a nursing home care team and a medical assessor in a general receiving house. In all these roles I have a job to do as an individual but also have a responsibility to work with other members to ensure the bigger outcome is reached. During my GP placements I have realised the importance of holistic care. An empathetic doctor can create a connection with the patient and trust is established. Working in a nursing home has prepared me for the inevitable reality of ageing and the implications age has on health. I have learnt to adapt my communications skills in order to make conversations effective. One resident has dementia. To engage her in conversation I will ask her questions about her books and listen to her talk. I find this is really effective, she enjoys being listened to. I spent time at a hospital shadowing doctors. One insightful chat I had with a doctor, was about the ethics and sensitivity behind the DNR forms and how difficult it is to take such decisions. Medicine is a very active field and doctors must be up to date and be devoted to a lifetime of learning. In my high school I won the Triple Science Award and am currently starting my EPQ on NHS budgeting. This project is really benefitting my research and analytical skills and requires me to focus on time management. As of November I will be involved in a maths mentoring scheme. I am looking forward to supporting pupils in their education and improving my leadership and teaching skills. I will develop my skills of interaction at the opposite end of the age range from my nursing home experience. My hobbies are running, exercising and skiing. I enjoy playing the piano and doing yoga as a means of relaxation. I had been a member of my local drama group for three years and have been a part of several stage performances. I know I have the caring personality and capacity to deal with the heavy workload that are needed for medicine. I am well informed about the highs and lows that come with a life in medicine and how it requires full time commitment and some personal sacrifices. Nonetheless I have a strong desire to become involved with such a fulfilling vocation and believe my skills match the criteria to become an effective medical practitioner.