Interested in what we got up in 2019? Well... the short answer is a lot!
Reached over 1000 students across Birmingham and the West Midlands
Expanded our flagship Dr.eam conference to Year 12s as well as Year 13s
Provided mock interviews to all students on the Access to Birmingham scheme applying to Medicine and Dentistry
Month by month, see what we got up to below. We have been especially busy in the latter half of 2019 - over 680 volunteer hours have been logged since we started this academic year in September!
Looking to 2020, we are hoping to launch a graduate entry Medicine event, as well as expand Dr.eam to Year 10s and 11s! If you would like us to visit your school, college or sixth form, please email us at: We run events for students from Year 7 to Year 13.
February 2019
School Talk, Ninestiles School an Academy
CoachBright Graduation Talk, University of Birmingham
March 2019
School Talk, Hagley Catholic High School
Insight Day, University of Birmingham
April 2019
Make Your Move Talk, University of Birmingham
July 2019
School Talk, Aldridge School
School Talk, Bishops Challoner Catholic College
September 2019
VISION Senior, Imperial College London
National Healthcare Careers Conference, Manchester
October 2019
Dr.eam Senior 2019, UoB Medical School
Careers Fair, Ninestiles School
Careers Fair, Ormiston Academy
Careers Fair, Futures Fair @ University of Gloucestershire
November 2019
Careers Fair, George Salter Academy
VISION Junior, Imperial College London
A2B Mock Interviews, University of Birmingham
December 2019
Dr.eam Junior 2019, Medical School
Careers Fair, Holte School
Careers Event, Swanshurst Girls School